
Posts Tagged ‘Instrumentation’

Microsoft Research Projects of Interest – Analysis

Microsoft has a number of great groups at the MSR and a lot of interesting projects. I am nearly done with my PhD and am looking for possible opportunities at various research labs and groups. In this series of posts, I am going to briefly summarize interesting projects select for MSR researcher and post-doc positions.


ExtendedReflection is Dynamic Analysis Framework for .NET that takes care of instrumenting MSIL bodies at runtime and exposes more than 200 .NET callbacks, such as method enter/exit, argument values or field writes. It also enables redirection of arbitrary method calls. With ExtendedReflection, it is possible to write dynamic analysis tools in any .NET language, without having to understand the low-level CLR internals.

Holmes is a statistical test tool that automatically finds the most likely cause of test failures by analyzing fine-grained path coverage data and identifying code paths that strongly correlate with failures.